
Türkçe » İngilizce Yukarı
  • [V] know, recognize, identify, know: get to know, recognizant: be recognizant of, own, legitimize, legitimatize, acknowledge, acquainted: be acquainted with, affiliate, ken, spot
tanımak /ı/
1. to recognize, know.
2. to be acquainted with, know; to know well.
3. to make a distinction between, distinguish between.
4. to be able to distinguish, know, recognize.
5. to acknowledge, recognize.
6. to respect; to listen to, pay attention to.
7. to hold {someone} responsible.
tanımak * to recognize, know. * to be acquainted with, know; to know well. * to make a distinction between, distinguish between. * to be able to distinguish, know, recognize. * to acknowledge, recognize. * to respect; to listen to, pay attention to. * to hold {someone} responsible.
tanımak acknowledge
tanımak distinguish

Türkçe » İngilizce İlişkili Sonuçlar Yukarı
ayrıcalık tanımak
  • [V] privilege, acquit
çok az tanımak
  • [V] nod: be on nodding terms
daha iyi tanımak
  • [V] advantage: have the advantage of smb.
hak tanımak
  • [V] entitle, enfranchise
imkân tanımak
  • [V] show: give smb. a show
isim olarak tanımak
  • [V] name: know by name
olanak tanımak
  • [V] possible: make possible, enable, facilitate, allow of, serve
öncelik tanımak
  • [V] priority: give priority to, way: give way, yield precedence to, prefer
süre tanımak
  • [V] respite
şans tanımak
  • [ID] way: put smb. in the way
  • [V] chance: give a chance, opportunity: give an opportunity, break: give a break, show: give smb. a show
tanımak (ayrıcalık)
  • [V] charter
ayrıcalık tanımak ayrıcalık tanımak/göstermek * to favor {one person} {at the expense of another}.
şans tanımak * to give {someone} a chance, give {someone} a break.
yakından tanımak yakından bilmek/tanımak * to be closely acquainted with, know {someone} well.
imkan tanımak enable
hak tanımak warrant
ayrıcalık tanımak privilege, acquit v.
çok az tanımak be on nodding terms v.
daha iyi tanımak have the advantage of smb. v.
hak tanımak entitle, enfranchise v.