
Türkçe » İngilizce Yukarı
  • [A] air, aerial, atmospheric
  • [N] air, air: airs, shades, sky, weather, climate, wind, ambiance, ambience, aroma, atmosphere, aura, flavor, flavour (Brit.), mood, ostentation, showing-off, side, splash, splurge, strain, swank, vanity
  • [PREF] aero-
1. air, atmosphere.
2. weather.
3. climate.
4. the sky.
5. law air rights.
6. wind, breeze.
7. melody, tune, air.
8. mus. pitch of a note.
9. one´s pleasure, whim; mood, humor, state of mind.
10. atmosphere, prevailing emotional state.
11. style, style of expression.
12. environment, social environment.
13. nothing, bosh.
14. airs, affectation.

1. free, for nothing, without any effort, as a windfall, out of the blue.
2. empty, worthless.

1. upward, up.
2. uselessly, to no avail, in vain.

hava açmak/açılmak for the sky to clear.

hava akımı draft, draught, current of air in an enclosed space.

hava akını air raid, air attack.

hava almak
1. to breathe fresh air.
2. to absorb air, take in air.
3. slang to end up getting nothing, go home empty-handed.

hava atışı basketball jump ball.

hava atmak slang
1. to put on airs.
2. to speak claptrap.

hava basıncı atmospheric pressure.

hava basmak
1. /a/ to blow up, inflate.
2. slang to give oneself airs, blow oneself up.
3. slang to speak claptrap.

hava boşaltma makinesi vacuum pump.

hava boşluğu
1. air pocket, air hole, downdraft {as felt in an airplane}.
2. air shaft, air well {in a building}.

hava bozmak for the weather to turn stormy or rainy.

havayı bozmak to dampen the spirits of a group.

hava bulanmak for the weather to turn rainy.

havasını bulmak to begin to feel happy, get into a good mood.

hava cereyanı draft, draught, current of air in an enclosed space.

hava çarpmak /ı/ for the wind or weather to affect {someone}, cause {someone} discomfort.

hava çekici pneumatic hammer, air hammer.

hava değişimi
1. change of air, moving to another climate for medical reasons.
2. change in the weather; climatic change.

hava değiştirmek to move to another climate for medical reasons.

hava deliği
1. ventilation hole.
2. ventilation conduit {in a building}.

hava durumu weather conditions.

hava düzenleyicisi air conditioner.

hava filosu air fleet.

hava freni air brake, pneumatic brake.

hava geçirmez airtight, airproof, hermetically sealed.

hava gemisi airship, dirigible.

havaya gitmek to be in vain, be wasted.

havanın gözü yaşlı olmak to threaten rain.

hava haznesi mech. air chamber. {birine göre}

hava hoş olmak {for something} not to matter {to someone}.

hava hukuku air law.

hava iyi/fena esmek for things to be going well/badly.

hava kabarcığı air bubble, bubble.

hava kaçırmak to lose air.

havada kalmak
1. to be up too high.
2. to be up in the air, be left in suspense, not to come to a conclusion.
3. to be left unsupported or unproved.

hava kanalı air conduit.

hava kapağı air valve.

hava kapanmak for the sky to be overcast.

hava kararmak
1. for night to fall; to get dark.
2. for the sky to become heavily overcast, get dark.

hava kesesi zool.
1. air bladder, gas bladder, swim bladder.
2. air sac {in birds and insects}.

hava keşfi mil. air reconnaissance.

hava kırılmak for cold weather to break; for weather to begin to warm up.

hava kirliliği/kirlenmesi air pollution.

hava korsanı skyjacker, air pirate.

hava köprüsü airlift.

hava kuvvetleri air force.

hava meydanı airfield, landing field; airport.

havası olmak {for someone} to have a warm, attractive personality. {birinde bir kimsenin}

havası olmak to have something about {her/him} which reminds one of {someone else}, resemble {someone}.

hava oyunu futures, speculative trading in futures.

havaya pala/kılıç sallamak to waste one´s energy.

hava parası
1. key money, cash payment demanded of a new renter before he takes possession.
2. money paid beyond what can be shown on a receipt.

hava patlamak for a storm to break.

hava payı margin of safety.

hava raporu weather report.

havaya savurmak /ı/
1. to throw {something} up into the air.
2. to spend {money} foolishly, throw {money} to the winds.

hava sıkmak slang to be a bore; to be a pain.

havadan sudan
1. at random, randomly, of this and that.
2. random, of a random nature.

hava tahmini weather forecast.

hava tahmin raporu weather report.

hava tebdili change of climate {necessitated by ill health}.

havaya uçmak to be blown up, be blown sky-high.

havaya uçurmak /ı/ to blow {something} up.

havasına uymak /ın/ to adapt oneself to, fit in with.

hava üssü air base.

hava vermek /a/
1. to put air in; to fill {something} with air.
2. to aerate {someone´s lungs}.

havası vermek /a/ to give {someone, something} {a certain} air: Sudiye kendine hippi havası vermek istiyor. Sudiye wants to give herself a hippie air.

havasını vermek /ın/ to let one breathe the atmosphere of; to cause one to feel the temper or spirit of.

havaya vermek /ı/ to spend {money} in vain; to throw {money} to the winds.

hava yapmak to show off.

hava yutma aerophagia.
hava * air, atmosphere. * weather. * climate. * the sky. hukuk * air rights. * wind, breeze. * melody, tune, air. müzik * pitch of a note. * one's pleasure, whim; mood, humor, state of mind. * atmosphere, prevailing emotional state. * style, style of expression. * environment, social environment. * nothing, bosh. * airs, affectation.
hava weather
hava air

İngilizce » Türkçe İlişkili Sonuçlar Yukarı
hava kabarcığı
1. hava kabarcığı.

Türkçe » İngilizce İlişkili Sonuçlar Yukarı
açık hava
  • [A] open-air, hypaethral (Brit.), hypethral, outdoor, outdoors, alfresco, fair-weather
  • [N] outdoors, open: the open
açık hava banyosu
  • [N] air bath
açık hava çekimi
  • [N] outdoor shot
açık hava gösterisi
  • [N] outdoor performance
açık hava sporları
  • [N] field sports
açık hava sporları sezonu
  • [N] outdoor season
açık hava tiyatrosunda sergilenen oyun
  • [N] outdoor performance
açmak (hava)!
  • [INTRJ] clear off!
ağır hava
  • [N] fug
hava taarruzu alârmı
  • [N] warning: air-raid warning
hava saldırısı önlemleri amiri
  • [N] warden: air-raid warden
aşağıya doğru hava akımı
  • [N] downdraught
balinanın hava deliği
  • [N] blowhole
basık hava
  • [A] frowst
basınçlı hava borusu
  • [N] pneumatic tube
boğucu hava
  • [N] chokedamp, choky air
ciğerlerde hava kalması
  • [N] emphysema
ciğerlerine hava gitmemek
  • [V] collapse
deniz hava raporu
  • [N] shipping forecast
devamlı açık hava
  • [N] set fair