
Türkçe » İngilizce Yukarı
  • [ID] hand: get out of hand, face: lose face, haywire: go haywire
  • [V] break down, order: get out of order, fail, wrong: go wrong, spoil, decay, upset, bad: go bad, sour: go sour, sour: turn sour, sour, bust, collapse, conk, decline, deteriorate, disrupt, dwindle, ebb, go off, go under, perish, retrograde, retrogress, rot, stale, taint, turn
  • [V] addle
1. to be spoiled, ruined, harmed, damaged, marred, or impaired.
2. {for a place} to be messed up.
3. {for plans, a system} to be upset, be spoiled.
4. {for food} to spoil, go bad.
5. /a/ to feel resentful towards, be riled at, be irritated with; to get angry at.
6. to get thin and wan.
7. mil. to be decisively defeated, be routed.
8. {for a specified amount of money} to be changed, be broken into smaller units.
9. {for a specified amount of money} to be changed, be exchanged for another currency.
10. to be embarrassed, be discomfited, be discountenanced.
11. {for an agreement} to be violated.
12. law to be abrogated, quashed, or overturned.
13. for the harvest in {a specified place} to be completed.
14. {for a garment´s seams} to be ripped out or {for a garment} to be cut up {so that it can be remade}.
bozulmak * to be spoiled, ruined, harmed, damaged, marred, or impaired. * {for a place} to be messed up. * {for plans/a system} to be upset, be spoiled. * {for food} to spoil, go bad. * to feel resentful towards, be riled at, be irritated with; to get angry at. * to get thin and wan. askeri * to be decisively defeated, be routed. * {for a specified amount of money} to be changed, be broken into smaller units. * {for a specified amount of money} to be changed, be exchanged for another currency. * to be embarrassed, be discomfited, be discountenanced. * {for an agreement} to be violated. hukuk * to be abrogated, quashed, or overturned. * for the harvest in {a specified place} to be completed.
bozulmak break

Türkçe » İngilizce İlişkili Sonuçlar Yukarı
arası bozulmak
  • [V] bust up
bozulmak (nişan)
  • [V] break up
bozulmak üzere
  • [ADV] turn: on the turn
durumu bozulmak
  • [ID] downhill: go downhill, come down in the world
  • [V] sink
morali bozulmak
  • [V] piece: go to pieces, despond
ruhsal dengesi bozulmak
  • [V] balance: lose one's balance
soyu bozulmak
  • [V] degenerate
tamamen bozulmak
  • [ID] phut: go phut
terbiyesi bozulmak
  • [V] rot
araları bozulmak to be on strained terms.
işi bozulmak for one´s business affairs or an undertaking to go awry/take a downward turn.
kafası bozulmak colloq. to blow one´s top, get angry
aptesi bozulmak * to become canonically unclean.
araları bozulmak araları açılmak/bozulmak * to be on strained terms.
asabı bozulmak * to get nervous, be upset.
dengesi bozulmak * {for something} to become unbalanced. * {for someone} to become {mentally/physically} unbalanced.
durumu bozulmak * to get into financial straits.
işi bozulmak * for one's business affairs or an undertaking to go awry/take a downward turn.
itibarı bozulmak * for {someone's} commercial credit rating to drop.
kafası bozulmak konuşma dili * to blow one's top, get angry.