
Türkçe » İngilizce Yukarı
  • [N] block, bloc, complex
blok ,-ku
1. apartment building, building {one of a series of buildings which together make up a housing or office development}.
2. city block, block {an area of land bounded by streets}: İkinci bloktan sonra sağa dön. Turn right at the second block.
3. block {of marble, etc.}.
4. pol. bloc {of states}: Doğu Bloku the Eastern bloc.
5. basketball body block.
blok blok[u] * apartment building, building {one of a series of buildings which together make up a housing or office development}. * city block, block {an area of land bounded by streets}. * block {of marble, etc.}. politika * bloc {of states}: Doğu Bloku the Eastern bloc. basketbol * body block.
blok block
blok bloc

Türkçe » İngilizce İlişkili Sonuçlar Yukarı
blok haddesi (demir)
  • [N] blooming mill
blok seti
  • [N] set: blocks set
v.engelle:n.blok block
asfalt blok asphalt block
asfalt blok kaplama asphalt block pavement
v.tıka:n.blok block
blok silme block delete
blok uzunluğu block length
blok işareti block mark
blok kaplama block pavement
blok polimerizasyonu block polymerization
blok konumu block position
blok radyatör block radiator
blok sıralama block sort
blok sıralama block sorting
blok yapılı dil block structured language
blok transferi block transfer
blok yapı ilkesi building block principle
beton blok concrete block
(matbaa) blok block