
İngilizce » Türkçe Yukarı
IP {internet terimlerinden} 1. Internet Protocol - Internet'in temel işletme protokolüdür. 2. Internet Provider - yada Internet Access Provider. Kendi servisleri üzerinden başka kullanıcıları Internet'e bağlayan, genellikle ticari amaçlı kuruluşlardır.

Türkçe » İngilizce Yukarı
  • [N] string, cord, rope, halter, lanyard, lap, twist
ip ,-pi
1. light rope, cord; string.

prov. thread.

__ atlamak to jump rope.

__ cambazı ropedancer, tightrope walker.

__e çekmek /ı/ to string {someone} up, hang {someone}.

__ini çekmek /ın/ to keep {someone} under control.

__le çekmek /ı/ to be anxiously waiting for, be counting the days until.

__i çözmek to sever relations with someone.

__i çürük undependable.

__e dizmek /ı/ to string.

__leri elinde olmak /ın/ to exercise covert control over {something}.

__e gelesice/gelesi
1. low-down, damned.
2. bastard, scoundrel.

__ inceldiği yerden kopar. proverb Trouble begins at a weak spot.

__ ipullah sivri külah {someone} who has neither family nor possessions.

__ kaçkını colloq. gallows bird, person who deserves to be hanged.

__ten kazıktan kurtulmuş colloq. hardened criminal, thug.

__ini kesmek slang
1. to run away, flee, clear out.
2. /ın/ to leave {someone} penniless.

__i kırık slang ne´er-do-well, hoodlum, hood.

__i kırmak slang
1. to slip away; to clear out.
2. to quit one´s job.
3. to sever relations with someone.

__ini kırmak slang to get out of hand, become unmanageable.

__i koparmak
1. to quit one´s job.
2. to sever relations with someone.

__ten kuşak kuşanmak to become poor.

__iyle kuyuya inilmez. /ın/ colloq. You can´t depend on him.

__ merdiven rope ladder.

__e sapa gelmemek to make no sense; to contain contradictions.

__e sapa gelmez
1. confused; inconsistent; nonsensical.
2. vagabond, shiftless.

__i sapı yok. colloq. It has no rhyme or reason.

__ini sürümek to deserve to be hanged {for one´s crimes}.

__ini sürüyüp gezmek to wander around aimlessly, kill time.

__ takmak /a/ to try to harm {someone} behind his back.

__ takmamak /a/ slang not to give a damn {about}.

__in ucu elinde olmak /ın/ to be in control of things.

__in ucunu kaçırmak to let things get out of hand, let something get out of control, let things go too far.

__e un sermek to give someone a song and dance, try to put someone off with impossible excuses.
ip ip[i] * light rope, cord; string. halk dili * thread.
ip rope
ip cord