
Türkçe » İngilizce Yukarı
  • [N] absence, dearth, exiguity, failure, famine, hardship, lack, neediness, nonappearance, nonexistence, nudity, penury, poverty, privation, shortage, strait, tightness, want, straits
1. nonexistence.
2. absence.
3. poverty.
4. scarcity, shortage.
yokluk * nonexistence. * absence. * poverty. * scarcity, shortage.
yokluk absence
yokluk dearth

Türkçe » İngilizce İlişkili Sonuçlar Yukarı
yokluk çeken
  • [A] poverty-stricken, poverty-struck
yokluk çekmek
  • [V] famish, want: be in want
varlık içinde yokluk * scarcity despite wealth.
n.eksik:v.yokluğu çek:prep.yokluk çekerek lacking
yokluk çeken poverty stricken, poverty struck adj.
yokluk çekmek famish, be in want v.