
Türkçe » İngilizce Yukarı
v.birleş:n.dost ally

İngilizce » Türkçe İlişkili Sonuçlar Yukarı
dost eski donun ikinci şahıs tekili.
dost {eski.} do'nun ikinci şahıs tekili.

Türkçe » İngilizce İlişkili Sonuçlar Yukarı
canciğer dost
  • [N] friend: bosom friend, close friend, alter ego, chum
  • [A] forthcoming
  • [N] friend, ally, pal, fellow, lover, associate, bean, bedfellow, brother, comrade, connection, connexion, crony, pard
eski dost
  • [N] friend: old friend, bean: old bean, crony: old crony, boy: old boy
dost ayrılmak
  • [V] part friends
dost canlısı
  • [A] hail-fellow-well-met
dost canlısı kimse
  • [N] hail-fellow-well-met
dost hayatı yaşamak
  • [ID] sin: live in sin
dost kara günde belli olur
  • [ID] need: a friend in need is a friend indeed
dost olma
  • [N] fraternization
dost olmak
  • [V] friend: make friends with, friend: make friends, fraternize, cotton
eş dost
  • [N] acquaintance: acquaintances, kith and kin
gerçek dost
  • [N] true friend, fast friend
iyi dost
  • [N] brick
samimi dost
  • [N] intimate
sıkı dost
  • [N] fast friend
sıkı fıkı dost
  • [N] buddy-buddy
yakın dost
  • [N] familiar
yeniden dost olma
  • [N] rapprochement
dost ,-tu
1. friend; comrade, confidant, intimate.
2. friendly.
3. lover; mistress.

__ acı söyler./

__ sözü acıdır. proverb A friend will tell you about your faults in order to help you.

__lar alışverişte görsün {diye} for the sake of appearances, in order to appear busy.

__lar başına. colloq. May the same befall all my friends.

__ başa, düşman ayağa bakar. proverb People who don´t know you judge you by your appearance.

__lar başından ırak! colloq. May such a thing never happen to my friends.

__ düşman everybody.

__a düşmana karşı
1. in order to save face.
2. in front of everybody; in the eyes of everybody.

__ edinmek
1. to make friends.
2. /ı/ to make friends with.
3. to take a lover or a mistress.

__/akraba ile ye, iç, alışveriş etme. proverb Don´t mix business with friendship.

__ kara günde belli olur. proverb When you are in trouble you find out who your friends are.

__ kazığı colloq.
1. being cheated by a friend.
2. cheating a friend.

__ olmak to become friends.

__lar şehit, biz gazi. colloq. Let them run the risk; we´ll take the credit.

__ tutmak
1. to make friends.
2. to take a mistress or a lover.
dost olmak
1. fraternize.