
Türkçe » İngilizce Yukarı
  • [N] cure, healing
şifa recovery of one´s health.

şifa bulmak to recover one´s health, get well.

şifayı bulmak/kapmak colloq.
1. to become ill.
2. {for something} to go completely wrong, get all balled up.

şifalar olsun!
1. May it do you good! {said to a sick person when he takes a medicine}.
2. Gesundheit! {said to someone who has just sneezed}.
şifa * recovery of one's health.
şifa cure
şifa cure, healing n.

Türkçe » İngilizce İlişkili Sonuçlar Yukarı
şifa bulmazlık
  • [N] incurability
şifa verici
  • [A] curative
şifa bulmak * to recover one's health, get well.
şifa verici healthful
şifa verici curative
şifa bulmazlık incurability n.
şifa verici curative adj.